Entry Level Program (3 Months)
The Entry Level Program Package combines three unique programs into a 12-week comprehensive training block. The package is set up to correlate seamlessly with the spring track season, making it perfect for high school coaches looking for the best training resource or for throwers who want to prepare for throwing far over the off season.
The program is made to be utilized by individual throwers as well as coaches with athletes who have a range of lifting experience.
Our Entry Level Program is made specifically for throwers who have less than 3 months of lifting experience or are not unaccustomed to weightlifting. The program will give you some exposure to snatches and cleans while building a strength foundation to start tossing bombs! Also included is a No Weightroom practice program in case you don't always have access to a weightroom (However we strongly suggest getting in a weightroom for all lifting days).
The Entry Level Program is designed to push and strengthen throwers with a range of lifting experience, while giving them all a little exposure to the snatch and clean. Since some teams do not have access to a weightroom, we included a practice layout with lifting that can all be done at the throwing circles. The strength exercises utilize some light dumbbells and medicine balls, but does not require a weightroom. Although we strongly encourage throwers to lift in a weightroom, the second program will allow a coach to be flexible and still get good strength work in if they do not have access to one.
- Throws specific warm up
- Throwing prescription (How many throws and which type of throws to take)
- 5 day Lifting program
- Special strength exercises
- Mobility exercises
No Weightroom Practice Program
- Complete 2-hour throws practice layout (4 days)
- Throws specific warm up
- Number of throws to take
- Strength program to be done without a weightroom
- Special strength exercises